Do you love your tape hair extensions but they seem to keep falling out? Before you jump to the conclusion that they are just not for you, let's take a look at why they keep falling out. This could be for several reasons, here are the main reasons listed below:
You're not following your at-home care.
Any time my clients are having issues with their extensions my first question is "are you following at-home care?". Making sure your properly taking care of the extensions and using the right products is the number one factor of why you're extensions are falling out.
You accidently got oil/conditioner/hair color inside the tapes.
With tape hair extensions you have to be extra careful when putting oil/conditioner on your hair, or if you are doing a root touch up / coloring your hair. These products can loosen the adhesive and eventually allow the tapes to peel apart.
You're brushing too hard.
Some of us are not as gentle with our hair as others, they have a higher pain tolerance and don't know it. When brushing your extensions follow these steps: use a double bristle brush (this is super gentle on the hair), hold your hair with one hand and brush with the other (prevents direct tension on the scalp/point of attachment), work from the ends to the scalp.
Bad Tape.
Yes, it happens. Every once in a while a bad batch of tape will come in and it just isn't sticking like it should. No worries, this can be easily replaced with new tape and reapplied.
Improper Install.
There is a right way and a wrong way to install tape hair extensions. When applying these type of extensions you have to use just the right amount of hair to get a secure hold. Using too much hair inside the tapes does not allow the tape panels to seal together and will eventually slip out. Using too little hair in between the tapes will be not be a strong hold and could be easily ripped out.
(We teach proper installs in our hair extensions business training, or watch a video on how to install our tape hair extensions here.)
Some other uncommon reasons why your tape hair extensions are falling out are:
You have an excessively oily scalp
You sweat a lot throughout the day.
You are experiencing extreme hair loss.
If this is you, you may need to see a specialist to help you with your condition.
We hope this helped clarify your problem with your tape hair extensions. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Shop our tape in hair extensions here.