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How Do I Know the Density of my Hair? Thin, Medium or Thick?

Writer: VioletViolet

If you are have spoken with a Premier Violet Hair specialist, you have most likely been asked, "What is the density of your hair? Thin, Medium or Thick?". Newbies might be like, "uhhh I don't know". And that is totally ok! I am here to help explain.

Density of the hair means how much hair is on the scalp per square inch. Now, not all over the scalp has the same density - it is normal to have thinner hair on the sides of the head. But, for the most part - the average density.

I want you to imagine a blank, square piece of paper with dots on it. The white paper represents the scalp, and the dots represent hair follicles. If there are lots of dots and little space in between, this means the its has a high density of dots, or thick hair. If there is few dots and more space in between those dots, this means it has a low density, or thin hair.

Now you can do the same thing by analyzing your scalp. It's always best to check all areas on the scalp for best results. Start by parting your hair in different areas of the head. If you see a ton of hairs in one given area, you have a thick density. If you see more scalp and less hair, you have a thin density.

How does this play a role in your hair extensions? Well, the density of your hair determines how much hair you need to purchase, and how much we install. We need to match the density of your hair to that of the extensions for a natural blend.

Note: Be careful to not confuse density of the hair with hair texture. A client may have a fine hair texture but thick hair density. Or coarse hair texture but a thin hair density. Still confused? Read the "Hair Texture vs Hair Density" Blog.


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