Stories & Insights
Meet Violet Huskey
Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Violet Huskey. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Violet, appreciate you joining us today. Alright, so you had your idea and then what happened? Can you walk us through the story of how you went from just an idea to executing on the idea
When I decided to launch my hair extension business I knew the first step would be to create a solid foundation. This looked like having a strong vision and mission, knowing who were my ideal clients, and what exactly I would be offering them. Then I moved to branding and the legalities of this specific business. Next (my favorite step), I had to get creative! I designed my website, opened up my social pages and started making marketing content. Finally, I made sure I had systems and automations in place so that my clients would have a flawless customer experience which would keep them coming back. After I had my solid foundation established, I was ready to open my doors to the public with confidence.

Violet, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Premier Violet Hair is a hair extension Salon and Store located in Houston, Texas. We offer tried and true method types for every hair type and lifestyle so you can achieve beauty and comfort. Our vision is to give women the confidence they deserve; creating fuller hair and fuller lives. We believe that when you look good, you feel good, and you do good. That is why we are offering beautifully colored hair extensions at competitive prices for every woman to look and feel like her best self.

Can you talk to us about how your side-hustle turned into something more.
Unlike many people who work in the beauty industry, I never saw myself working in this field, it just kind of fell into my lap. At the time, I was going to the University of Houston full time and was a dancer on the side. I always had a love for beauty and fashion, and I would do my own hair extensions for work. Then, as I befriended some of the other girls at the club I began to do their hair too. And after 2 years at the University, still not knowing what I wanted to do, it just hit me one day, “I should start a hair extensions business”. The idea lit me up inside and off I went to make it a reality.

What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
A lesson I had to unlearn was to stop taking action on what I “should do” and start taking action on what I actually want to do. I realized that there are many roads to success, and even though there may be a lot of people taking one specific route in your industry, that doesn’t mean you have to too. It’s your business, it’s your life.
